

By using the cscarstyle.ch website, users accept the following conditions. Any special agreements in connection with certain services or products from cscarstyle.ch apply in addition to these conditions.

No guarantee for completeness and correctness

The information published on the website at cscarstyle.ch is for personal use and information purposes only. This information is subject to change at any time and without prior notice. Cscarstyle.ch assumes no guarantee, either express or implied, for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information published on the website. Although these are carefully compiled from trustworthy sources, no guarantee is given.

Limitations of Liability

Any liability of cscarstyle.ch for loss or damage of any kind, whether direct, indirect or consequential, resulting from the use of the cscarstyle.ch website or access to it, is excluded. No guarantee is given for the proper functioning of the individual parts of the website. Similarly, cscarstyle.ch is not liable for unauthorized manipulation of the IT system of Internet users. The risks of viruses and targeted hacking attacks are expressly pointed out. To combat viruses, we recommend using current browser versions and installing regularly updated anti-virus software. Opening e-mails of unknown origin and unexpected attachments should generally be avoided.

Use of the cscarstyle.ch website

The entire content (design, text, graphics, etc.) of the cscarstyle.ch website is protected by copyright. The elements of the website are the exclusive property of the cscarstyle.ch website operator. Saving or printing out individual pages or sections of the cscarstyle.ch website is only permitted if the full source is stated. By saving or otherwise duplicating software or other data on the cscarstyle.ch websites, the respective terms of use are deemed to have been accepted. All property rights remain with cscarstyle.ch. Any (complete or partial) reproduction, transmission (electronically or otherwise), modification, linking or use of the cscarstyle.ch website requires the express written consent of cscarstyle.ch.

In particular, the use of tools that systematically and automatically call up, index or transmit content from the cscarstyle.ch website (e.g. so-called spiders, crawlers and other automated tools) is prohibited. Cscarstyle.ch reserves the right to take action against those responsible, including claims for damages.

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Certain links on the cscarstyle.ch website lead to third-party websites. These websites are beyond the control of cscarstyle.ch, which is why no responsibility is assumed for the correctness, completeness and legality of the content of such websites or for the offers and services of third parties contained therein.